Dear Parents,
I want to open this letter with sincere gratitude for your patience since we first announced that Pepperell Soccer would be suspending all soccer related activities. We also appreciate so many of you taking the time to thoughtfully respond to the recent survey we put out a few weeks ago.
We’ve been closely monitoring the situation and on Thursday 4/30 The Board of Directors for Pepperell Soccer held a special teleconference meeting and has reached the decision to not participate in a planned schedule of travel games or in-town games for the Spring of 2020.
This decision has resulted in 3 options as we go forward:
Default: If you do nothing by May 31st, a family credit will be applied to your Sports Manager Account
Option 2: Families can request a refund by May 31st by contacting me directly using “Refund” in the email subject. ( and provide the player’s name and age group (eg u6,u8, 3/4 , etc)
Option 3: Families may choose to contribute their registration fee as a charitable donation to PYSL. You can contact me by May 31st using “Donation” in the subject (
For those families that have ordered uniforms, they will be available by the end of this week. Details and logistics on how to get them will be coordinated individually with those families.
The mission of Pepperell Soccer is and will continue to be, to provide a safe and healthy environment for all children in the town of Pepperell to participate. With that mission in mind we will continue to work on ideas and programs that could be offered to the kids interested if it is safe to do so. Any announced programs we could offer will need to be in compliance with safety regulations, so we will continue to monitor the situation and guidelines that are provided.
Please continue to stay safe and positive
David White
President – Pepperell Youth Soccer