Mobile App

For In-Town divisions (PreK/K and Grade 1/2) and Travel divisions (Grades 3-12 and PG), we utilize a mobile app to enable team communications, scheduling, announcements, and more.

PYSL uses a mobile app provided by SportsEngine. If you registered your player in the app this past spring, there is no need to register your player again.

Register for Mobile App Access

If you already have a SportsEngine account (ie, you’ve used this app for another sport):

  1. Select Player Registration
  2. Select “Sign In” at the bottom of the page.
  3. On the “Who Are You Registering?” page, select an existing participant or select “a new participant”.
  4. Complete the required fields, entering your player’s information (not yours!)
  5. Submit the registration.
  6. Repeat steps 3-6 for additional players in your family.

If you do not currently have a SportsEngine account:

  1. Select Player Registration
  2. Select “Create An Account” at the bottom of the page.
  3. Enter your email address, name, password, and date of birth. Do not enter player information here.
  4. Your account will be created and you should now be logged in.
  5. On the “Who Are You Registering?” page, select “a new participant”.
  6. Complete the required fields, entering your player’s information (not yours!)
  7. Submit the registration.
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for additional players in your family.

Note: once you register, there is a manual process our registrar needs to complete, so you will not see your player’s team immediately.

Note: Please DO NOT request access to a team. You must complete the registration process outlined above. Coaches should not manually load players into SportsEngine, as this creates data sync issues between our systems.

Add a Parent/Guardian to Your Account
If you would like to provide access to your spouse, partner, or other guardian of your player, please reference this article for instructions: How to add an additional parent/guardian »

Are you a Coach?
Coaches must complete a similar registration form: Coach Registration »

Download the Mobile App
Once you have completed the registration process above, download the mobile app from SportsEngine. All team communications, scheduling, and notifications will be handled via the mobile app. There are a lot of great features, including the ability to let your coach know if you won’t be able to make a practice or game.


Once you log in to SportsEngine, you will not see anything until we have manually added your player to their team.